Australian Medicines Handbook (AMH) is dedicated to supporting our resources on a
wide range of browsers and devices. We are also dedicated to continually improving
navigation and presentation by taking advantage of new practices and browser
Due to the declining use of older browser software, and the decision by Microsoft that
Windows XP and associated software would no longer be supported with software
and security updates, AMH decided to remove support for Microsoft Internet Explorer
(IE) 6 and 7 in July 2014. Subsequently, Microsoft decided to remove support for IE 8,
9 and 10 in January 2016.
These browser versions have been superseded by IE version 11 and Microsoft Edge. As
our users move away from earlier versions of IE, AMH has been forced to spend a
disproportionate amount of time ensuring that the site design remains functioning
and usable across supported versions – something made more and more difficult as
the older versions continue to fall behind in functionality. By removing the support for
these earlier versions, AMH will be able to dedicate more time to continuing to
provide a quality resource for our users now and into the future.
AMH has decided to remove support for IE version 8 as of 17th July 2017 which
means there will be some loss of functionality in our websites. Please note that in
January 2018, the content of AMH Online and Companion websites will no longer be
viewable in IE versions 7 and 8.
We strongly recommend that anyone still using IE version 10 or earlier to upgrade as
soon as possible so that they will continue to receive Microsoft security updates, and
continue to get the best experience from the AMH Online and Companion websites,
and other websites in general.
As Microsoft’s announcement to no longer support MSIE 9 and 10 is recent, AMH will
continue to support them for now. Our ability to continue to provide support for
these browsers will be reviewed on an ongoing basis.
Jean-Pierre Calabretto
Manager: Quality, Strategy & Development
Australian Medicines Handbook Pty Ltd